You searched for: “german months
German (Deutsch) months
Januar (January)
Februar (February)
März (March)
April (April)
Mai (May)
Juni (June)
Juli (July)
August (August)
September (September)
Oktober (October)
November (November)
Dezember (December)
—Based on information from
Say it in German by Gustave Mathieu and Guy Stern;
Dover Publications, Inc.; New York; 1957.

Earlier German months

    The following is based on information from an old 1665 German calendar:

  • Jenner (January)
  • Hornung (February)
  • Mertz (March)
  • Aprill (April)
  • May (May)
  • Brachmond (June)
  • Heumond (July)
  • Augstmond (August)
  • Herbstmond (September)
  • Weinmond (October)
  • Wintermond(November)
  • Christmond (December)

There was once a time when Germans had additioinal meanings for the months such as:

January, "bare month (the bare, naked month), hard month, winter month, ice month, wolf month, threshing month, month of calves, and Great Horn."

February, "last winter month, wood month fox month, [and] Little Horn."

March, "(first) ploughing month, drying month, spring month, sowing month, pruning month, vernal month, [and] spring."

April, "second ploughing month, spring month, grass month, shepherds’ month, cuckoo month, [and] rough month."

May, "month of joy, month of flowers, [and] bean month."

June, "fallow month, dog month, rose month, [and] pasture month."

July, "(first) hay month, dog month, hay-harvest, [and] cutting (i.e. of the hay."

August, "(second) harvest month, cutting month, [and] month of fruit."

September, "second cutting of oats, (first) autumn month, sowing month, barley month, boar month, bean-harvest, first autumn, over-autumn, [and] autumn sowing."

October, "(first or second) autumn month, first winter month, sowing month, [and] slaughtering month."

November, "(second or third) autumn month, winter month, leaf month, month of rime, month of winds, month of dirt, hard month, slaughtering month, full month, wolf month, [and] acorn month."

December, "fourth autumn month, (second) winter month, hard month, slaughtering month, month of bacon, wolf month, hare month, [and] second winter."

There were also some names borrowed from Christian feasts and saints; days, such as (New) Year month and the synonymous kalemænd equals Calends month (January), Fassnachtmænd or Olle Wiwermænd(February), Klibelmænd Conception of the Virgin (March) and Holy Month or Christ Month.

—Based on information from
Primitive Time-Reckoning, A Study in the Origins and First Development of the Art of Counting Time among the Primitive and Early Culture Peoples
by Martin P. Nilsson, professor of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
in the University of Lund; Sweden C.W.K. Gleerup; 1920.

This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 4)