Februar (February)
März (March)
April (April)
Mai (May)
Juni (June)
Juli (July)
August (August)
September (September)
Oktober (October)
November (November)
Dezember (December)
Earlier German months
- Jenner (January)
- Hornung (February)
- Mertz (March)
- Aprill (April)
- May (May)
- Brachmond (June)
- Heumond (July)
- Augstmond (August)
- Herbstmond (September)
- Weinmond (October)
- Wintermond(November)
- Christmond (December)
The following is based on information from an old 1665 German calendar:
There was once a time when Germans had additioinal meanings for the months such as:
January, "bare month (the bare, naked month), hard month, winter month, ice month, wolf month, threshing month, month of calves, and Great Horn."
February, "last winter month, wood month fox month, [and] Little Horn."
March, "(first) ploughing month, drying month, spring month, sowing month, pruning month, vernal month, [and] spring."
April, "second ploughing month, spring month, grass month, shepherds’ month, cuckoo month, [and] rough month."
May, "month of joy, month of flowers, [and] bean month."
June, "fallow month, dog month, rose month, [and] pasture month."
July, "(first) hay month, dog month, hay-harvest, [and] cutting (i.e. of the hay."
August, "(second) harvest month, cutting month, [and] month of fruit."
September, "second cutting of oats, (first) autumn month, sowing month, barley month, boar month, bean-harvest, first autumn, over-autumn, [and] autumn sowing."
October, "(first or second) autumn month, first winter month, sowing month, [and] slaughtering month."
November, "(second or third) autumn month, winter month, leaf month, month of rime, month of winds, month of dirt, hard month, slaughtering month, full month, wolf month, [and] acorn month."
December, "fourth autumn month, (second) winter month, hard month, slaughtering month, month of bacon, wolf month, hare month, [and] second winter."
There were also some names borrowed from Christian feasts and saints; days, such as (New) Year month and the synonymous kalemænd equals Calends month (January), Fassnachtmænd or Olle Wiwermænd(February), Klibelmænd Conception of the Virgin (March) and Holy Month or Christ Month.